Survivor of the Second World War, inhabited by the most disadvantaged social strata during the effervescent years of the ’60s and the student revolts.
After the fall of the Berlin wall, everything that was marginal about Kreuzberg turned into something very different, with a kinder face, and it became part of downtown.
Today it is the heart of underground culture; strolling though its streets is to discover the hidden art on the façades of its buildings and feel the essence of one of the cities that has done the most to renew Europe in the past 50 years.
An art-filled place brimming with young designers who love vintage.
Sophia is a photographer living in Kreuzberg
Bryant is a producer and DJ living in Kreuzberg
Bryant K Steward: Bryant, a dj/producer known for the radio show “B-Sides” on East Village Radio and Newtown Radio in New York City, currently resides in Berlin.
A creator of trends featuring eclectic mixtures of funk, disco and soul with stranger and more experimental sounds, he made his debut as a musician with the famous “Stones Throw” record label a few years back. He is currently working on his new record, “Better Love”.