Inspired by culture and music, Etnia Barcelona is sponsoring the Barcelona Guitar Festival 2018, an event that will bring together a total of 38 bands and artists through July. With an eclectic and cosmopolitan schedule that revolves around the guitar, the festival can boast about having already sold more than 25,000 concert tickets for first-rate artists, including Bob Dylan, Ringo Starr, G3, Deacon Blue, Benjamin Clementine and El Kanka.
A record for an edition of the Barcelona Guitar Festival that’s already being called the #BestGuitarEver. That’s why we here at Etnia Barcelona couldn’t miss out on it! Introducing our selection of anartistic musicians for this year, comprised of emerging names and other legendary artists such as Bob Dylan, Rosalía, El Niño de Elche, Wim Mertens and Future Islands, a band that we’ll also see this year at Primavera Sound 2018 (another of our favorite musical dates in Barcelona).
Besides collaborating to promote the festival, Etnia Barcelona will also invite some of the artists to our flagship store for a meet & greet before or after performing at the Guitar Festival. A great occasion to meet them in person and to catch them wearing our sunglasses.
Subscribe to our newsletter to find out the scheduled concert dates and to also get discounts on Guitar Festival concerts and other upcoming cultural activities in Barcelona.
Because our commitment to culture forms a part of our DNA and we want to share it with you!